Foundation activities
نشاطات المؤسسة
Food aid – Food baskets-Baghdad – 239
Food Aid Activity 46 - Food Basket - Baghdad As part of its ongoing efforts to support the community and assist families under the care of the foundation, the Nobles Charitable Foundation in Baghdad organized a food distribution activity for orphans and underprivileged families on 20-5-2024, sponsored by the Babylon Educational Foundation (BEF)-UK, as part of their cooperation. The families expressed their gratitude to the foundation members, expressing deep appreciation for this noble humanitarian initiative that alleviates the economic burdens and helps meet their basic needs. They thanked the foundation members for distributing food items to those in need, including essential goods such as rice, flour, sugar, oil, and meat to provide balanced meals for the families. This initiative is part [...]
Food aid – Food baskets-Baghdad – 238
Food Aid Activity 45 - Food Basket - Baghdad As part of its noble mission to support the community and spread goodness, the Nobles Charitable Foundation organized a special tour in the neighborhoods of Baghdad, which included the distribution of food supplies and small financial amounts to the families of orphans and needy families on 17-5-2024 under the care of the Babylon Educational Foundation (BEF)-UK. The families welcomed the foundation members with gratitude and appreciation, expressing their deep thanks for this noble humanitarian initiative that alleviates the economic burdens and contributes to meeting their basic needs. The foundation took great care in distributing food supplies, including essential items such as rice, flour, sugar, oil, and meat to provide balanced meals for [...]
Food aid – Food baskets-Baghdad – 237
Food Aid Activity 44 - Food Basket - Baghdad Within the framework of the assistance provided by the institution to needy families, the Nobles Charitable Foundation distributed food baskets on, 15-5-2024, to families of orphans and needy families registered under its care in Baghdad. Sponsored by Mesopotamia League- UK #Nobles_Charitable_Foundation #food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط الرابع والاربعون _ سلة الغذائية - بغداد ضمن أعمال المساعدات التي تقدمها المؤسسة الى العوائل المحتاجة قامت مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية هذا اليوم الإثنين 15-5-2024 بتوزيع السلات الغذائية من زيت ومعجون الطعام والبقوليات بأنواعها المختلفة والسكر والشاي والرز وغيرها الى عوائل الأيتام والعوائل المتعففة المسجلين تحت رعايتها في بغداد وبرعاية مؤسسة تجمع ما بين التهرين (Mesopotamia League-uk) #مؤسسة_النبلاء_الخيرية #سلات_غذائية #مساعدات_انسانية [...]
Food aid – Food baskets-Baghdad – 236
Food Aid Activity 43 - Food Basket - Baghdad In a journey of hope drawn by the hands of goodness and giving, the initiatives of the Nobles Charitable Foundation continued to light the path of hope and alleviate the suffering of orphaned and needy families in Baghdad, by distributing essential food supplies to them on May 12, 2024. Efforts and hearts came together in this blessed initiative, believing in the necessity of extending a helping hand to these families who are suffering from difficult living conditions, and to bring joy and happiness to their hearts and homes. The baskets of goodness included abundant quantities of essential food supplies, such as rice, wheat, flour, sugar, oil, milk, canned goods, fruits, and vegetables. [...]
Food aid – Food baskets-Baghdad – 235
Food Aid Activity 42- Food Basket - Baghdad Nobles Charitable Foundation distributes food baskets to needy families and orphans in the Za'afaraniya area on May 9, 2024. With its deep belief in the necessity of social solidarity and extending a helping hand to those in need, The Foundation distributed a food basket to needy families and registered orphans under its care in the Za'afaraniya area, as part of the regular humanitarian assistance provided by the foundation. The food basket included essential items that meet the families' needs, and the foundation made sure to deliver the aid directly to the deserving recipients through a team of volunteers who visited and handed out the food baskets to the families. This initiative comes from [...]
Humanitarian Aid – Foodstuffs and meat – 234
Humanitarian Aid Foodstuffs and meat In a Noble Humanitarian Initiative, Noble Charity Foundation - Baghdad Continues its Blessed Efforts to Alleviate the Suffering of Needy Families and Extend a Helping Hand in Light of the Difficult Living Conditions Faced by Many. In a generous gesture, the foundation on April 27, 2024, distributed food and meat to these families registered under its care, believing in the need to provide basic needs for these families and to alleviate the burden of poverty and deprivation from them. Nobles Charitable Foundation - Baghdad embodies the meanings of solidarity and social cohesion in its initiatives. It affirms its active role in supporting society and caring for needy families, to build a cohesive society in which giving [...]
Humanitarian Aid – Distribution of furniture and blankets- 233
Humanitarian Aid Distribution of furniture and blankets Nobles Charitable Foundation - Baghdad began distributing household furnishings to needy families registered under its care on April 25, 2024, as part of its ongoing programs to support these families and improve their living conditions. This initiative stems from the foundation's belief in the importance of providing basic needs to needy families, especially in light of the difficult circumstances that many are going through. Under the auspices of Mesopotamia League-UK #Nobles_Charitable_Foundation #Giving_never_ending #Humanitarian aid #Caring for orphans and needy people مساعدات انسانية توزيع مفروشات منزلية مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية - بغداد توزع مفروشات منزلية على الأسر المتعففة باشرت مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية - بغداد توزيع مفروشات منزلية على الأسر المتعففة المسجلة تحت [...]
Empowerment woman- Breast cancer awareness – 232
Empower women project Breast cancer awareness The Nobles Charitable Foundation, in cooperation with the Good Omens Organization, organized a health awareness seminar on cancer diseases under the sponsorship and funding of the Babylon Educational Foundation - UK (BEF). On Friday, January 26, 2024, a health awareness seminar on cancer diseases was held in Baghdad's capital. The seminar was attended by more than 30 women of different ages and social backgrounds. It included a scientific lecture on the types of cancer, the risk factors for contracting it, ways to prevent it, and methods for early detection. The lecture covered the most common types of cancer in Iraq, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer. It also discussed risk [...]
joy-of-orphan-Baghdad – 231
the joy of orphans project Activity 33_ Baghdad Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Distribution of gifts for children consisting of clothes that suit them and give them the joy of care on 21/1/2024 sponsored and funded by the Babylon Educational Foundation - UK (BEF). ( , Distributing gifts to children is one of the ongoing charitable activities of the Nobles Charitable Foundation that contributes to their happiness and draws a smile on their faces, especially if these gifts are clothes suitable for them and give them a sense of joy and happiness. #Nobles_Charitable_Foundation #Giving_never_ending #Children's education #Support_Education #Caring for orphans and needy people #Joy_of_an_orphan #Complete my studies مشروع فرحة يتيم - [...]
Distribution of children’s clothes – Baghdad – 230
Distribution of clothes for children Activity 26 _ Distribution of clothes for children Distribution of gifts for children consisting of clothes that suit them and give them the joy of care on 20/1/2024 sponsored and funded by Babylon Educational Foundation ( BEF) - UK Distributing gifts to children is one of the ongoing charitable activities of the Noble Charity Foundation that contributes to their happiness and draws a smile on their faces, especially if these gifts are clothes suitable for them and give them a sense of joy and happiness. #Endless_Giving #Orphans_and_Needy_Care #Clothes_for_Children توزيع ملابس للاطفال النشاط السادس والعشرون _ توزيع ملابس للاطفال توزيع هدايا للاطفال عبارة عن ملابس تليق بهم وتعطيهم فرحة الاهتمام في 20/1/2024 برعاية [...]