خدمات مجتمعية

Community services – health awareness for students 142

Community Services Activity 14 - Distribution of health and prevention awareness brochures Distributing awareness brochures to prevent the Corona epidemic to students in primary schools in Baghdad as part of the ongoing campaigns of the Al-Nubala Charitable Foundation to educate students about the dangers of unhealthy mixing and the need for social distancing, wearing a mask, and sterilization. #give_iraq #Prevention_of_coronavirus #distribution_health_awareness_brochures #community_services #Nobles_Charity_Foundation الخدمات المجتمعية النشاط الرابع عشر _   توزيع بروشرات توعية صحية والوقاية توزيع بروشرات توعية للوقاية من وباء كورونا الى الطلبة في المدارس الابتدائية في بغداد [...]

Community services – health awareness for students 1422023-08-10T17:55:15+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al-Khansa High School for Girls 120

Community Services Activity 8 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools The eighth day ... of the school fumigation campaign ... We are continuing the campaign launched by the Nobles Charitable Foundation in conjunction with the students' performance of the mid-year exams and until the last day of the exams, which happens on 3/31-2021, at Al-Khansa High School for Girls in Zayouna - Education Rusafa II - # Nobles_Charity Foundation #SchoolsDirting #Prevention_Corona_Viruses #Giving_Iraqi #Prevention-awareness-campaigns Al-Khansaa High School for Girls # Rusafa_second # covid_19 الخدمات المجتمعية النشاط الثامن _ تعقيم وتعفير [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al-Khansa High School for Girls 1202021-04-03T18:54:36+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Tariq Bin Ziyad Junior High School for Boys School 119

Community Services Activity 7 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools The seventh day ... continuing with the school fumigation campaign ... a campaign launched by the Nobles Charitable Foundation in conjunction with the students' performance for the mid-year exams, today at Tariq Bin Ziyad Secondary School for Boys in Zayouna - Tarbiyah Rusafa II - on 30-3-2021 # Nobles_Charity Foundation #SchoolsDirting #Prevention_Corona_Viruses #Giving_Iraqi #Prevention-awareness-campaigns Tariq Bin Ziad Junior High School for Boys # Rusafa_second # covid_19 الخدمات المجتمعية النشاط السابع  _  تعقيم وتعفير المدارس اليوم السابع... مستمرون بحملة تعفير [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Tariq Bin Ziyad Junior High School for Boys School 1192021-04-03T17:01:11+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Muhammad Al-Bayati Elementary Mixed School 118

Community Services Activity 6 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools The sixth day ... the school fumigation campaign continues ... a campaign launched by the Nobles Charitable Foundation in conjunction with the students' performance of the mid-year exams, this time at Muhammad Al-Bayati Mixed Elementary School - and Al-Bashir Elementary Mixed School, on 29-3-2021 # Nobles_Charity Foundation #SchoolsDirting #Prevention_Corona_Viruses #Giving_Iraqi #Prevention-awareness-campaigns Al-Bashir Elementary Coeducation School #Mohammed_Al-Bayati_Estimary_School # Rusafa_the third # covid_19 الخدمات المجتمعية النشاط السادس _ تعقيم وتعفير المدارس اليوم السادس... حملة تعفير المدارس مستمرة ... حملة اطلقتها [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Muhammad Al-Bayati Elementary Mixed School 1182021-04-03T15:03:28+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al-Ebtihaj Primary Girls School 117

Community Services Activity 5 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools The fifth day ... the school fumigation campaign ... a campaign launched by the Nobles Charitable Foundation in conjunction with the students' performance of the mid-year exams, this time at Al-Ibtihaj Primary School for Girls, on  28-3-2021 # Nobles_Charity Foundation #SchoolsDirting #Prevention_Corona_Viruses #Giving_Iraqi #Prevention-awareness-campaigns #EliphoraismEstimarySchool For Girls # Rusafa_the third # covid_19 الخدمات المجتمعية النشاط الخامس _ تعقيم وتعفير المدارس اليوم الخامس... حملة تعفير المدارس ... حملة اطلقتها مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية بالتزامن مع اداء الطلبة لامتحانات نصف السنة [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al-Ebtihaj Primary Girls School 1172021-04-03T14:26:32+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al Hamdaniya Primary Boys School 116

Community Services Activity 4 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools  The fourth day ... the school fumigation campaign ... the campaign launched by the Nobles Charitable Foundation in conjunction with the students' performance of mid-year exams to prevent the risks of the spread of the spreading Coronavirus and to ensure the continuation of education in a manner that guarantees the safety of students, this time in the Hamdaniya Primary School for Boys, 26-3-2021 # Nobles_Charity Foundation #SchoolsDirting #Prevention_Corona_Viruses #Giving_Iraqi #Prevention-awareness-campaigns #Alhamdania_publication_school # Rusafa_the third # covid_19 الخدمات المجتمعية النشاط [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al Hamdaniya Primary Boys School 1162021-04-03T13:49:23+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Hajar Bin Uday Elementary Girls 115

Community Services Activity 3 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools The third day ... the school fumigation campaign ... the campaign launched by the Nobles Charitable Foundation in conjunction with the students 'performance of the mid-year exams, the third day at Hajar Bin Uday Primary School for Girls and Al-Khaleej Al-Arabi Elementary School for Girls, the campaign aims to protect students' health through sterilization And the fogging of the examination centers on 3/25-2021# Nobles_Charity Foundation #Firting_schools #Prevention_Corona_Viruses #Giving_Iraqi #Prevention-Awareness Campaigns #Harajar_bn_adi_publication_school for girls #Al Khaleej Al Arabi Elementary School for Girls # [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Hajar Bin Uday Elementary Girls 1152021-04-03T12:50:58+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al basmala Primary School for Girls 114

Community Services Activity 2 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools For the second day in a row, the Nobles Charitable Foundation, with the generous support of f the Croydon School for Arabic and Kurdish Studies - UK, continues the school fumigation campaign to prevent Coronavirus, with the efforts of its distinguished staff who continue to work in the interest of protecting public health and students' health in conjunction with the mid-year exams, this time in medium Al-Basmalah for girls and Al-Rabab High School for Girls in Baghdad - Al-Rusafa III on 03/24-2021 [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Al basmala Primary School for Girls 1142021-04-01T13:54:37+03:00

Community Services – School Sterilization – Samarra Primary School for Girls 113

Community Services Activity 1 - Sterilization and fumigation of schools The Nobles Charitable Foundation, with the support of the Croydon School for Arabic and Kurdish Studies - the United Kingdom and the efforts of its distinguished staff, continues the sterilization and fumigation campaign targeting all schools in Baghdad regions to prevent the Covid_19, in conjunction with the mid-year exams, wishing our dear student's safety Health and success. Tuesday 23/3/2021 # Nobles_Charity Foundation #Firting_schools #Prevention_Corona_Viruses #Giving_Iraqi #Prevention-awareness-campaigns #Samarra Elementary School for Girls # Alshamoos_ elementary_school for girls # covid_19 الخدمات المجتمعية [...]

Community Services – School Sterilization – Samarra Primary School for Girls 1132021-04-01T13:53:28+03:00

Orphan Care Project – the dangers of communication and communication 112

Health care and awareness for orphans Activity 2 -  the dangers of communication and communication  The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the Nobles Charitable Foundation holds an awareness lecture within the (RCCE) project On the dangers of communication and community participation, the beneficiaries of the lecture are children from 7-15 years old, male and female, to raise awareness about the dangers of communication in light of the Corona pandemic through introductory points and concepts for children with illustrations, cards, brochures and illustrations, the lecture was held in the training [...]

Orphan Care Project – the dangers of communication and communication 1122021-01-23T14:58:19+03:00
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