خدمات مجتمعية
Community services – health awareness for students 142
Community Services Activity 14 - Distribution of health and prevention awareness brochures Distributing awareness brochures to prevent the Corona epidemic to students in primary schools in Baghdad as part of the ongoing campaigns of the Al-Nubala Charitable Foundation to educate students about the dangers of unhealthy mixing and the need for social distancing, wearing a mask, and sterilization. #give_iraq #Prevention_of_coronavirus #distribution_health_awareness_brochures #community_services #Nobles_Charity_Foundation الخدمات المجتمعية النشاط الرابع عشر _ توزيع بروشرات توعية صحية والوقاية توزيع بروشرات توعية للوقاية من وباء كورونا الى الطلبة في المدارس الابتدائية في بغداد [...]