تقديم المعونات الغذائية

Food aid – Distribution of fabrics and meat-baghdad – 196

Food Aid  Activity 37- Distribution of fabrics and meat The Nobles Charitable Foundation initiated the distribution of a meal of meat, foodstuffs, and fabrics for needy families in Baghdad to provide for the daily needs of needy families on 4-8-2023. #Nobles _ Charitable _ Foundation #food _ baskets _ fabrics #Humanitarian aid #orphans_care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  السابع والثلاثون _  توزيع لحوم واقمشة بادرت مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية بتوزيع وجبة من اللحوم والمواد الغذائية والاقمشة للعوائل المتعففة في بغداد كجزء من توفير الاحتياجات اليومية للعوائل المتعففة في 4-8-2023 تم التوزيع [...]

Food aid – Distribution of fabrics and meat-baghdad – 1962023-08-11T17:31:45+03:00

Food aid – Food baskets-baghdad- alzaefarania – 187

Food Aid  Activity 37-  Food Basket - zaafrania Food baskets provided by the Nobles Charitable Foundation - Al-Zafaraniya to our honorable families registered under the auspices of the Foundation to support the economic situation and provide the requirements for a decent life in Baghdad - 23/6/2023. Financed by Babylon Educational Foundation - uk #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  السابع والثلاثون _  سلة غذائية - الزعفرانية سلات غذائية مقدمة من مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية - الزعفرانية الى عوائلنا الكريمة المسجلة تحت رعاية المؤسسة لدعم الوضع الاقتصادي [...]

Food aid – Food baskets-baghdad- alzaefarania – 1872024-06-20T22:15:27+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- El-Nasr Neighborhood – 174

Food Aid  Activity 36- Ramadan Food Basket - El-Nasr Neighborhood Distribution of the second meal of aid for the month of Ramadan for  2023, which is basic foodstuffs to support the food basket for poor families, orphans, and needy families in Baghdad. The distribution was sponsored by the Mesopotamia League - UK and the Babylon Educational Foundation(BEF) -UK Distribution took place in the El-Nasr Neighborhood on 10-4-2023 #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  السادس والثلاثون _  سلة رمضان الغذائية - حي النصر  توزيع الوجبة الثانية [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- El-Nasr Neighborhood – 1742023-06-21T13:23:13+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- al-Hamidiyah – 173

Food Aid  Activity 35- Ramadan Food Basket -  AL Hamidiyah Distribution of the Fifth meal of aid for the month of Ramadan for  2023, which is basic foodstuffs to support the food basket for poor families, orphans, and needy families in Baghdad. The distribution was sponsored by the Mesopotamia League - UK and the Babylon Educational Foundation(BEF) -UK Distribution took place in the Hamidiyah  on 9-4-2023 #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  الخامس والثلاثون _  سلة رمضان الغذائية - الحميدية  توزيع الوجبة الخامسة من المساعدات [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- al-Hamidiyah – 1732023-06-21T13:24:53+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- al-Ma’mal and al-Aqili– 172

Food Aid  Activity 34- Ramadan Food Basket - al-Ma'mal and al-Aqili Distribution of the fourth meal of aid for the month of Ramadan for  2023, which is basic foodstuffs to support the food basket for poor families, orphans, and needy families in Baghdad. The distribution was sponsored by the Mesopotamia League - UK and the Babylon Educational Foundation(BEF) -UK Distribution took place in the al-Ma'mal and al-Aqili on 8-4-2023 #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  الرابع والثلاثون _  سلة رمضان الغذائية - المعامل والعكيلي  توزيع الوجبة [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- al-Ma’mal and al-Aqili– 1722023-06-21T13:26:40+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- Al-Orfly – 171

Food Aid  Activity 33- Ramadan Food Basket -AL  Orfly Distribution of the Third meal of aid for the month of Ramadan for  2023, which is basic foodstuffs to support the food basket for poor families, orphans, and needy families in Baghdad. The distribution was sponsored by the Mesopotamia League - UK and the Babylon Educational Foundation(BEF) -UK  Distribution took place in the AL Orfly area on 5-4-2023 #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  الثالث والثلاثون _  سلة رمضان الغذائية - الاورفلي  توزيع الوجبة الثالثة من [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- Al-Orfly – 1712023-06-21T13:27:26+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- Al-Kamalia – 170

Food Aid  Activity 32- Ramadan Food Basket -  AL Kamalia Distribution of the second meal of aid for the month of Ramadan for  2023, which is basic foodstuffs to support the food basket for poor families, orphans, and needy families in Baghdad. The distribution was sponsored by the Mesopotamia League - UK and the Babylon Educational Foundation(BEF) -UK  Distribution took place in the Kamalia area on 22-3-2023 #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  الثاني والثلاثون _  سلة رمضان الغذائية - الكمالية  توزيع الوجبة الثانية من [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- Al-Kamalia – 1702023-10-05T18:29:01+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- Al-Aqily – 169

Food Aid  Activity 31- Ramadan Food Basket - Baghdad - Al-Aqily area With the beginning of the month of obedience, the Nobles Charitable Foundation initiates its distribution of food baskets to orphans and needy families, sponsored by ( Babylon Educational Foundation-UK) (Mesopotamia League-UK) To be the first distributions in Baghdad, Al-Bawiya, and Al-Aqily, to families who need that care and attention. On 3/21/2023 #Noble _ Charity _ Foundation _ NCF #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط الحادي والثلاثون _  سلة رمضان الغذائية - بغداد - منطقة العكيل [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2023-baghdad- Al-Aqily – 1692023-10-05T18:28:25+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2022-baghdad-Orfali area 150

Food Aid  Activity 30-  Ramadan Food Basket - Sixth Meal Orfali Distribution of food baskets to the families of martyrs and needy families Giving continues with the Noble Foundation through distributing the sixth meal of food baskets to the families of orphans and needy families in Baghdad - Orfali under the sponsorship of the Arab School and Babel Foundation - UK on - 25/4/2022 #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية   النشاط  الثلاثون -  سلة رمضان الغذائية - الوجبة السادسة الاورفلي توزيع سلات غذائية لعوائل الشهداء [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2022-baghdad-Orfali area 1502022-04-30T13:32:19+03:00

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2022-baghdad-Al-Aasr Districtameer-district 148

Food Aid  Activity 29 -  Fifth Ramadan Food Basket - Al-Nasr District In Ramadan of goodness and giving, the charity of the Noble Foundation continues by distributing the fifth meal of food baskets to the families of orphans and needy families in Baghdad, Al-Nasr neighborhood, under the auspices of the Arabic School and Babylon Trust - UK   in 4/22/2022 #Nobles_Charity_Foundation #Ramadan_food_baskets #Humanitarian aid #Orphan care. المساعدات الغذائية النشاط التاسع  والعشرون_  سلة رمضان الغذائية الخامسة - حي النصر في رمضان الخير والعطاء يستمر عطاء مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية من خلال [...]

food aid – ramadan-food-basket-2022-baghdad-Al-Aasr Districtameer-district 1482022-04-30T13:31:31+03:00
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