مشاريع خيرية للأيتام


 the joy of  orphans project Activity 28 _ Baghdad Seventh distribution 29-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging them [...]


joy-of-orphan-Baghdad – Hamidiya -209

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 27_ Hamidiya Sixth distribution 24-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging them to [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad – Hamidiya -2092023-10-05T09:24:05+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad – Diyala Bridge -208

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 26 _ Diyala Bridge Fifth distributionl 21-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad – Diyala Bridge -2082023-10-04T10:53:12+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad – Al-Ma’amel area -207

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 25_ Baghdad, Al-Ma'amel area Fourth distribution 20-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad – Al-Ma’amel area -2072023-10-03T16:35:02+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al Kamalia -206

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 24 _ Al kamalia Second distribution 19-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al Kamalia -2062023-10-03T17:24:49+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al Ukaili Area -205

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 23_ Al Ukaili Area Second distribution 18-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al Ukaili Area -2052023-10-02T13:55:36+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al zaafranya -204

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 22 _ Al Zaafranya First Meal 17-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al zaafranya -2042023-10-02T13:14:24+03:00

Food aid – Food baskets-baghdad- Kamaliya – 201

Food Aid  Activity 38-  Food Basket -  AL Kamalia Within the framework of the assistance provided by the institution to needy families, the Nobles Charitable Foundation distributed food baskets today, Monday, 8/28/2023,  to families of orphans and needy families registered under its care in the Kamaliya area - disabled. Sponsored by the Babylon Educational Foundation UK (https://babylonfdn.com) and the Mesopotamia League #Noble Charitable Foundation #Endless Giving #Orphan and Needy Care #Food baskets #Food aid #Humanitarian aid المساعدات الغذائية النشاط  الثامن والثلاثون _  سلة غذائية - الكمالية ضمن أعمال [...]

Food aid – Food baskets-baghdad- Kamaliya – 2012023-10-01T14:54:22+03:00

Distribution of children’s clothes – Zaafaraniya – 199

Distribution of clothes for children Activity 25_ Distribution of clothes for children On Monday, August 14, 2023, the Nobles Charitable Foundation distributed clothes and hijabs to orphans and poor families registered under its care under the project of daily needs. #Noble_Charitable_Foundation #Endless_Giving #Caring_for_Orphans_and_Poor #Clothes_for_Children توزيع ملابس للاطفال النشاط الخامس والعشرون _ توزيع ملابس للاطفال قامت مؤسسة النبلاء الخيرية يوم الإثنين المصادف 14-8-2023 بتوزيع ملابس وحجابات للأطفال الأيتام والعوائل المتعففة المسجلين تحت رعايتها ضمن مشروع وفير الاحتياجات اليومية #مؤسسة_النبلاء_الخيرية #عطاء_لا_ينتهي #رعاية_الايتام_والمتعففين #ملابس_للاطفال The project's name Distribution  clothing [...]

Distribution of children’s clothes – Zaafaraniya – 1992023-10-01T13:27:24+03:00

Creative Education Methods Project – Reinforcement Lessons – 198

Creative Education Methods Project - Reinforcement Lessons Activity 9 - Baghdad As part of the activities to support education for children, the Nobles Charitable Foundation, in cooperation with the Babylon Educational Foundation - uk, began to provide remedial lessons for completed students in preparation for the second round exams. The course lasted for three days from 8-10/8/2023 to review the curricula for completed students under the supervision of the educational staff, thankfully Mrs. Ghufran Yassin and Mrs. Shaima are part of our constant endeavor to support education for children and ensure their [...]

Creative Education Methods Project – Reinforcement Lessons – 1982023-08-12T23:18:55+03:00
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