سفرات وترفيه الايتام

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al Ukaili Area -205

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 23_ Al Ukaili Area Second distribution 18-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al Ukaili Area -2052023-10-02T13:55:36+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al zaafranya -204

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 22 _ Al Zaafranya First Meal 17-9-2023 Supporting children's education Orphan Joy Project Complete my studies campaign Seventh consecutive year Implementation of the Nobles Charitable Foundation Sponsored by Babylon Educational Foundation- UK, a foundation that combines purification (Mesopotamia League-UK), and TP Global Marketing Services (FZ-LLC) The Foundation seeks through this project to support the education of orphans and needy children who are unable to provide their school supplies, and in turn provide them with all the needs of clothes, notebooks, pens, and school bags while urging [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-Al zaafranya -2042023-10-02T13:14:24+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِAl Mahaba Elementary Mixed School-168

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 21 _ Al Mahaba Elementary Mixed School Baghdad - Al-Hamidiyah - Al-Mahabah Elementary Mixed School Distribution of school supplies from bags, notebooks, stationery and school clothes to the students of Al-Ibtihaj Primary School for Girls as part of the #Complete_My_Study campaign launched by the Foundation. #Nobles_Charity_NCF #Nobles_Charity_Foundation_Permanent_Giving #Croyden_School_for_Arabic_Kurdish_Studies #Education_orphans_care مشروع فرحة يتيم - توفير فرص التعليم النشاط الواحد والعشرون _ مدرسة المحبة الابتدائية المختلطة بغداد- الحميدية- مدرسة المحبة الابتدائية المختلطة توزيع المستلزمات المدرسية من حقائب ودفاتر وقرطاسية وملابس مدرسية الى طالبات مدرسة [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِAl Mahaba Elementary Mixed School-1682023-08-12T15:20:20+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِAl-Ibtihaj Primary Girls School-167

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 20_ Al-Ibtihaj Primary Girls School Baghdad - Sadr City - Al-Ibtihaj Primary School for Girls Distribute of school supplies from bags, notebooks, stationery, and school clothes to the students of Al-Ibtihaj Primary School for Girls as part of the #Complete_My Studies campaign launched by the Foundation. 10-2022 #Nobles_Charity_NCF #Nobles_Charity_Foundation_Permanent_Giving #Croyden_School_for_Arabic_Kurdish_Studies #Education_orphans_care #neverend_giving #Complete my studies مشروع فرحة يتيم - توفير فرص التعليم النشاط العشرون _ مدرسة الابتهاج الابتدائية للبنات بغداد- مدينة الصدر - مدرسة الابتهاج الابتدائية للبنات توزيع المستلزمات المدرسية من حقائب [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِAl-Ibtihaj Primary Girls School-1672023-08-12T15:22:38+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِInstitution headquarters-166

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 19_  Children of Al-Nasr neighborhood Baghdad - the headquarters of the Foundation - the children of the Al-Nasr neighborhood Distribution of school supplies such as bags, notebooks, stationery, and school clothes to the children of the Al-Nasr neighborhood who visited the headquarters of the Nobles Charitable Foundation to obtain what they need to complete their studies at a level worthy of them and equal to their peers without discrimination within the campaign #Continue_My Studies launched by the Foundation and this activity is supported by the Arab [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِInstitution headquarters-1662022-10-24T23:52:42+03:00

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِAL- alsabah Primary School-165

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 18_ Al Sabah Elementary Mixed School #Nobles _ Charitable Foundation - #Never-ending Giving #Continue my studies Baghdad – Al-Hamidiyah – Al-Sabah School Once again, Nobles Charitable Foundation continues its work in the field of supporting the education of children and orphans by providing school supplies such as bags, notebooks, stationery, and school clothes, thus helping them to continue teaching and learning, and this is through the campaign #Continue_my studies launched by the Foundation and this activity is supported by the Arab School in Croydon (The Arabic [...]

joy-of-orphan-Baghdad-ِAL- alsabah Primary School-1652022-10-19T19:39:48+03:00

joy-of-orphan-baghdad- Naynawa Primary School-164

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 17_ Naynawa Primary School  #Nobles _ Charitable Foundation - #Never-ending Giving #Continue my studies The Foundation continues its work in the field of supporting the education of children and orphans by providing school supplies such as bags, notebooks, stationery, and school clothes through which children and orphans in particular can secure their necessary needs and thus help them to continue education and learning, and this is through the campaign # Complete my studies launched by the Foundation and this activity is supported by the school The [...]

joy-of-orphan-baghdad- Naynawa Primary School-1642022-10-18T20:12:28+03:00

joy-of-orphan-baghdad-Al Nawras Primary School-163

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 16 _ Al Nawras Primary School for Boys  An endless giving with the Al-Nubala Charitable Foundation, which continues its work in the field of supporting the education of children and orphans by providing school supplies such as bags, notebooks, stationery, and school clothes through which children and orphans in particular can secure their necessary needs, thus helping them to continue with education and learning, and this is through the #Continue_My Studies campaign that Launched by the Foundation and this activity with the support of XM Global [...]

joy-of-orphan-baghdad-Al Nawras Primary School-1632022-10-18T20:10:03+03:00

Joy Of Orphan -Baghdad – Al-Fatimiyat School 141

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 15 _ Al-Fatimiyat School To support the education of children, especially orphans, the Al-Nubala Charitable Foundation continues, with the continuous support of the Arab School for Arabic and Kurdish Studies_United Kingdom, to distribute school bags, notebooks, stationery, and gifts to students in need to help them complete their studies. Baghdad _ Al-Fatimiyat School _ Tariq District 23-12-2021 #Nobles_Charity_NCF #Nobles_Charity_Foundation_Constant_Giving #Croyden_School_for_Arabic_Kurdish_Studies #Education_orphans_care مشروع فرحة يتيم - توفير فرص التعليم الخامش عشر _ مدرسة الفاطميات للبنات لدعم تعليم الأطفال وخصوصا الأيتام ، تواصل مؤسسة [...]

Joy Of Orphan -Baghdad – Al-Fatimiyat School 1412021-12-25T16:38:33+03:00

Joy Of Orphan -Baghdad – Al-Batoul District 140

 the joy of  orphans project Activity 14 _ Baghdad _ Al-Batoul District Distributing school bags, notebooks, stationery, and gifts to orphaned students in the Al-Batool neighborhood in Baghdad, in order to take care of orphaned students and ensure their continuity of education like their peers. Implementation of the Noble Foundation and fully sponsored by Croydon School of Arabic and Kurdish Studies - the United Kingdom on 21-12-2021 #Nobles_Charity_NCF #Nobles_Charity_Foundation_Constant_Giving #Croyden_School_for_Arabic_Kurdish_Studies #Education_orphans_care مشروع فرحة يتيم - توفير فرص التعليم النشاط الرابع عشر _ بغداد_ حي البتول  توزيع الحقائب المدرسية [...]

Joy Of Orphan -Baghdad – Al-Batoul District 1402021-12-22T13:01:41+03:00
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